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No*Rats |
There are
many, many vehicle tracking devices available today. They range
from simple devices that record data onto an SD card for later
download to fully-integrated solutions which combine tracking
and theft recovery features with convenience features such as
unlocking doors and remote start. While these devices work well,
and meet the needs of most users, in my opinion they still
suffer from a serious flaw: they are closed systems,
impossible for end users like me to customize or extend. Also,
the connectivity service is typically quite limited. One popular
tracking device limits continuous tracking to only 10 minutes.
These services also limit the data retention time (e.g. track
logs are only kept for 6 months before being deleted). Some
tracking services don't even give you access to the tracking
data at all, sharing it only with the police after your car is
reported stolen. If I wanted to get a location fix simply to
remember where I parked, I'd be SOL. Ironically, some of these
vehicle security systems are ridiculously insecure. Like the unnamed
security system that was "owned front to back" by two
security researchers last year simply by sending SMS text
messages. There have been other
incidents, as well.
Wanting a
"silent" alarm and tracking system, and not content to live
within these limitations, I designed my own vehicle tracker
which I call No*Rats. No*Rats consists of a GPS receiver, a
GSM/GPRS transceiver, and a Class 2 bus interface, all
interfaced to an embedded microcontroller. The Class 2 bus is
one of the native communication media in the C6 Corvette; it is
used for all functions where high bandwidth or a strict
real-time response is not required, such as unlocking a door,
rolling down a window, or turning on the headlights. By
connecting to the Class 2 bus, No*Rats can not only monitor and
report all important aspects of the vehicle's status, but can
also issue commands to the other modules in the car, such as
unlocking a door in response to a command received over the
cellular network. And the security of the command interfaces is
not an afterthought, nor is it merely "security by obscurity" -
it employs strong encryption and mutual authentication between
the No*Rats client and the Command and Control server.
No*Rats has all the
standard features one would expect from a vehicle tracking
device, plus much, much more. No*Rats can send
notifications via SMS or email of important events such as:
No*Rats can also
respond to the owner's commands sent via a remote computer or
smart phone:
While the vehicle is
parked, No*Rats periodically checks the position of the vehicle
using its GPS receiver. If the position changes (e.g. due to the
car being pushed or towed), the owner is immediately notified.
No*Rats also connects to the central server at regular intervals
and reports its status; if the No*Rats unit fails to report in
as scheduled (e.g. as the result of having been disabled), the
server generates an immediate notification. This checking is
done at a low duty cycle to maximize battery life.
The C6 Corvette key
fobs are numbered 1-4 and each is distinguishable by the car,
which uses the fob number to recall each driver's individual
memory settings for seat position, radio stations, HVAC
settings, mirror positions, etc. No*Rats can also behave
differently depending on which fob is used to access the
vehicle. For example, if the owner regularly uses key fob #1,
but gives key fob #2 to the technician when taking his car in
for service, certain tracking events (e.g. starting the car) can
be suppressed if the car was accessed using fob #1 but enabled
for fob #2. This avoids "nuisance" notifications being sent to
the owner while he is driving his own car.
Did you forget where
you parked? No*Rats can send its current location right to your
smart phone, allowing your favorite navigation app to guide you
right back to your car.
Did you lock your RKE fob in the car? Even though Corvette's
engineers tried very hard to prevent this, some creative
Corvette owners have managed to do it anyway (usually by tossing
a briefcase or jacket into the hatch area where the fob antenna
coverage is weak). Send the command to unlock your doors from
your cell phone. Or, if you locked your phone in the car also,
send the command from any Internet-connected PC, or dial the
No*Rats module's phone number from any telephone and punch in
your access code on the DTMF keypad.
Also, unlike
traditional aftermarket alarm systems, which have dozens of
wires and require professional installers to cut and splice
wiring harnesses and install a bunch of relays, the No*Rats
connects to the car using just 3 wires - no need for wholesale
hacking and slashing of my car's wiring.
Although a
vehicle tracker is a pretty simple concept, the devil, as they
say, is in the details. The following are some of the factors
that were taken into account by the design.
cars have dozens of embedded microcontroller modules installed
in them. These modules never turn fully off; instead, their
microcontrollers enter a low-power "sleep" state until triggered
by some wake-up event. For example, the RCDLR (Remote Keyless
Entry) module in the C6 must always be "listening" for an RF
transmission from a remote entry key fob, ready to wake up,
disarm the security system, and unlock the doors when the owner
presses a button on the key fob. Because these devices are never
fully turned off, they continue to draw a small amount of
current when the vehicle is not running; eventually the vehicle
battery will be drained to the point where the car will no
longer start. Thus, each module must be designed to draw as
little quiescent current as possible. In the case of the C6
Corvette, GM specifications state that the car should still be
able to start even after sitting for approximately 30 days; this
is done by allowing a total budget for quiescent current draw of
around 35mA for all of the electronics in the car. Of
course, when auxiliary devices are installed they add to this
ignition-off current drain and shorten the amount of time that
the car can be parked without excessive battery drain. An
example of what can happen when this budget is exceeded is what
C6 owners call Dead Battery Syndrome, or DBS. Some early production
Corvettes suffered from a firmware bug in one of the car's
embedded modules; under certain conditions, one or more of the
modules would not shut down properly, resulting in excessive
ignition-off current drain and a dead battery overnight. Many C6
Corvettes took flatbed rides to the dealership until the problem
was diagnosed and corrected with a firmware update. Other C6
owners have installed aftermarket
devices only to discover a dead battery the next day.
With all
this in mind, No*Rats is powered primarily from its own
dedicated battery, which is recharged by the vehicle's
electrical system whenever the engine is running; when the
ignition is off, the additional current draw from the vehicle's
battery is in the micro-amp range (i.e. almost zero). Having an
independent power source also means that No*Rats will continue
to operate in the event that a car thief cuts the cables to the
primary battery in an attempt to defeat the alarm system.
requires a reliable wireless data connection in order to report
status and receive commands. One option would be a
point-to-point RF data link on one of the license-free bands, a
feature offered by some high-end vehicle alarm systems. This
approach has the advantages of quick notification times and no
recurring fees. Although suitable RF data modules are readily
available, and are easy to incorporate into new designs, they
are limited to line-of-sight operation and their maximum range
is a few miles at best; what good is a vehicle tracking system
that stops working a couple of miles away from home? WiFi has
similar disadvantages. Cellular data service is one way to
obtain the sort of broad geographic coverage that is needed for
useful tracking. Another possibility would be a satellite
service such as Iridium; however, I'm not aware of any embedded
radio modules that could be incorporated into a vehicle tracking
design by a hobbyist, nor is the service pricing likely to be
particularly inexpensive.
There are
two primary digital cellular technologies used in the United
States: CDMA and GSM. GSM offers two distinct advantages:
interchangeable SIM cards, and GPRS coverage is almost
ubiquitous, both in the US and around the world. Where I live,
if my Corvette is stolen, there is a good chance it will be
headed straight to Mexico, where CDMA data coverage is simply
nonexistent in the vast majority of the country. Not only is
GPRS coverage better, I can also buy a prepaid SIM card, pop it
into the GM862-GPS
module, and No*Rats is instantly online. All of this
makes GSM/GPRS the natural choice for No*Rats' connectivity.
tracking devices and alarm systems are generic, designed to work
in as many different cars as possible to maximize sales. The
downside to being generic is that installers must hack and slash
the vehicle's wiring to allow the unit to perform functions such
as locking or unlocking doors or flashing the parking lights.
Not only is this kind of installation a major hassle, but it can
lead to electrical problems down the road. I wanted a device
that would integrate with the car without splicing a bunch of
wires or adding relays. All No*Rats needs is 3 wires: +12V, GND,
and a connection to the Class 2 bus. Connection is easily
accomplished using squeeze-taps. The Class 2 bus connection
allows No*Rats to not only monitor the status of the vehicle,
but to issue commands such as unlocking doors, honking the horn,
or flashing the parking lights.
Since the
Internet and the public telephone network form an integral part
of the data path between No*Rats and the server, data security
was a top concern right from the start. It just wouldn't do to
have a "hacker" be able to follow my every move, or send
commands to unlock my car. The protocol between No*Rats and the
server employs mutual authentication and strong encryption to
set up a secure channel for all messages between the No*Rats
client and the C&C server. A one-time-use session key is
randomly generated for each communication session to limit
exposure of the message traffic to cryptographic attacks. Keys
are stored within secure hardware in the microcontroller, making
them impossible to extract without a)physical access to the
No*Rats hardware, and b) destroying the microcontroller in the
I selected a Telit
GM862-GPS for the No*Rats because it combines
a GPS receiver and GPRS connectivity into a single compact
module. The module also has a real-time clock capable of waking
up not only the Telit module but the attached microcontroller at
a programmable future time. This feature is essential so that
the No*Rats can spend most of its time asleep yet still wake up
at regular intervals for status reporting.
Using a HUD One prototype board as a starting point, I cobbled together a daughterboard upon which to mount the GM862-GPS. After purchasing the module as well as a breakout board from Sparkfun, I used a piece of perfboard with some header connectors soldered onto it to act as an adapter between the HUD One board and the Sparkfun breakout board; the resulting "sandwich" is hideous to look at but quite functional.
The No*Rats has been on the back burner for a while now, due primarily to the lack of affordable M2M (machine-to-machine) cellular service plans. Although cellular providers like AT&T offer reasonably-priced data plans for phones, their terms of service specifically prohibit M2M devices (no doubt to avoid competing against their M2M resellers). To get cellular service for M2M devices, one must contract with an MVNO, i.e. a third-party reseller of cellular service. Several MVNOs offer M2M service; however, their fees are geared towards large companies with many devices (e.g. trucking companies wanting to track their truck fleets), and their pricing structures are prohibitively expensive for the hobbyist. As an example, one provider charges a $50/month basic access fee, plus another $5 - $90/month for each device (depending on how much data it uses during the month). This is fine if you are a large corporation with a fleet of 50 or 100 vehicles you want to track, but $55+/month is a little steep for someone with a single vehicle to monitor. This pricing model is why most companies that sell vehicle tracking devices to the public typically set up an M2M cellular service plan on behalf of all their customers, rather than sending their customers directly to an M2M cellular service provider. The tracking device vendors manage their service costs by severely restricting the bandwidth available to each subscriber. This is the basis for the restrictions imposed by commercial tracking device vendors.
Another obstacle is the FCC. While the GM862 module is itself FCC
certified, when the module is incorporated into another device
such as a tracker, the combined device must also pass FCC Part 15
emissions testing, a process which can take weeks and cost upwards
of $50,000. The chances of being caught may be slim, but the fines
can also be pretty big. :)